Amoke Kubat has organized more Reading+Discussions of ABW+WIWG, now at North High. A collaboration of partners will co-host these readings in this large venue with a variety of hosts/facilitators and break-out spaces for post-show discussions.
Three dates to choose: Sat Feb 2 (11am-2pm), Sun Feb 3 (4p-7p) and Sat Feb 23 (5:30-8:30p). We may add more dates if needed.
Tickets: Please purchase tickets ahead-of-time through Eventbrite. This will help us plan accordingly for conversation hosts and facilitators. We're also sharing some tickets through community partners. Limited availability for tickets at the door.
These North High readings+discussion are an answer to the amazing and overwhelming demand for the January reading+discussion at Water Bar & Public Studio.
"Angry Black Woman and Well-Intentioned White Girl" Is a thought-provoking, performative conversation between Amoke Kubat and Jennifer Johnson, as friends and professionals; and ongoing public discussions with Black women and White women across Minnesota. And now MEN, whose invisible presence is hardly an absence, are joining this conversation.
In this play, Amoke and Jen "GO THERE!" by expressing the daily "unsaids" between black and white women. These accusations and silences reflect our miseducation about each other - the superficial and deep conflicts around our womanhood, ethnicities, rights, power, and constant juxtaposition of roles in the politics of white male patriarchy.
Angry Black Woman and Well-Intentioned White Girl goes deep into those hidden, dehumanizing narratives, through storytelling and audience participation. This nontraditional work reflects Amoke Kubat’s journey through the painful landscape of "Minnesota Nice," the gentrification of North Minneapolis and work spaces, and awkward interracial intersections with white women.
The performance will be followed by facilitated discussion groups.
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Earlier Event: February 16
Climate Conversations: Amoke Kubat and Shanai Matteson
Later Event: May 21
Rest (as a Radical Act)